Mushroom Liquid Culture | Native Turkey Tail | Trametes versicolor polyporales

$7.50$50.00 inc. GST


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Please watch our video to learn more about P1, P2 and P3 cultures. This video is available in the ‘Video Guide’ tab.

Professional Range

P1 cultures, also known as master liquid Cultures, are the most vigorous cultures available on the market.

P2 Cultures are made from P1 cultures by expanding them 10 folds, so 10 ml to 100 ml.

Commercial Range

P3 Cultures are made from P2 cultures by expanding them 10-fold, so 10 ml to 100 ml.

Turkey tails are relatively fast colonisers, colonising the substrate or grain spawn in 3 weeks, but when the pins for to full development, it can take up to 3 months, similar to Maitake mushrooms.

Orientation-side fruiting can grow from the top. It grows on Sawdust 80% and bran 20% substrate. The substrate needs to be sterile, as it takes so long to fruit; a non-sterile substrate will contaminate.

Mushroom farms grow them in 3-4 Kg blocks in a grow bag.

Turkey Tails are Medicinal mushrooms; they are edible but not palatable, and their texture is very leathery.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor polyporales) Medicinal. Wood-loving mushrooms.Side fruiting. Fruiting temp: 13°-16°C

Store Turkey tail in the fridge at 2°C.

Incubate at 22°C. Maintain humidity at 85-90% for pin formation and drop by 5-10% during fruiting.

This strain is used for medicinal purposes. It’s a very high fruiting strain.

The liquid culture can be used in various cultivation techniques. You may introduce the liquid culture into sterilized grain jars/bags, agar Petri dishes, or even another nutrient Sterile jar to expand into the more liquid culture.

This mushroom liquid culture is made with the best strain we can find. It is checked every six months for its vigour and ability to fruit on a commercial scale. Each jar is tested before it is sent out. We give a 100% guarantee on our culture.

Did you know that we sell Mushroom culture in Liquid culture, Log plug dowel spawn, Agar plate, Mushroom grain spawn, Sawdust Substrate and Mushroom Growing Kits?

Check out all the variety on our Liquid Culture Page.


Australian Made Logo

Permit Details: We are authorized to import cultures under the permit granted to us under Biosecurity Act 2015, Section 179 (1).

Please find the list of permitted species.

We can send a variety of cultures to all regions in Australia.

Regions We Ship To:

  • New South Wales
  • Victoria
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania: Please note that for Tasmania, we will send a letter to import on your behalf. You can order everything as normal.
  • Northern Territory (NT)
  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Western Australia: We can ship to Western Australia except for Woodear, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane.The list of permitted species for WA is regularly updated.

All Products are shipped from Marrickville, Sydney.We do not dropship or hire 3rd party companies to ship our products.

Shipping Cost and Time- The cost of shipping and estimated delivery time will be displayed to you on the check-out screen.

Handling Time- This package typically takes 0-3 days to be prepared for shipment. Please note that handling time may vary, especially during busy holiday seasons.

Certain products like Colonized agar plates or Sawdust spawn have longer handling time as they are made to order, if a product handling time is longer, its mentioned in the product listing.

If you package exceed 18Kg, please contact us, we may be able to pack your order in multiple boxes to get you shipping down from what you have been quoted in the checkout screen.

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